
Language and information technology school, translation office

Enrolment and Exams

To enroll you must contact us by e-mail and request the registration form. You need to take an aptitude test (free of charge) and then sign the legally binding contract directly at the school or by requesting it via e-mail.





For lodging the school offers rooms by host families or at the teacher’s family. The accommodation is not included in the course fee. Included in the price are: bed linen service, cleaning of the room, cost of electricity and heating, use of internet, drinks. The prices are as follows:

  • 4 weeks, full board: CHF 2590.-
  • 4 weeks, half board: CHF 1980.-
  • 4 weeks, only breakfast: CHF 1520.-

For more or less weeks, please apply the week calculation.




Exam preparation: all languages plus Mathematicss and Accounting, baccalaureate and federal certificate of maturity. And also:

Italian: Prepation for CILS, CELI, PLIDA and fide exams
German: Prepation for Goethe Institut exams
French: Prepation for DELF, DALF exams
English: Prepation for Cambridge (PET, KET, FCE, CAE, CPE), IELTS, TOEFL

The exams are provided only for courses with a minimum duration of 60 hours. Final exam, recognized certificate and dossier with the passport of the European Language Portfolio (ELP). ELP examination fee: CHF 370.-.



Since 2019, the Glossa Language School has been accredited as an examination centre for the for the Italian language, as well as for the issuing of the “fide” language passport. Further information on the language passport “fide” can be found here: https://www.fide-info.ch/en/sprachnachweise

We would like to remind you, that starting from the 1st of January 2019, immigrants from countries outside the EU have to submit a proof of language competence to the competent authority in order to apply for, or renew a type B/C residence (resident foreign nationals-B) or settlement permit (settled foreign nationals-C).  More Information here.

The different types of permits (residence and settlement) require different language levels. A description of the official classification of levels in general can be found here.

How the „fide“ exam works: The examination of the linguistic competences “fide” is divided into two parts: “Speaking and Listening” and “Reading and Writing”. You can decide whether you want to complete both parts or just one. Once you have passed the language proficiency test, you will receive a language passport indicating the level of proficiency achieved in the national language tested, divided into oral and written skills.

  • Enrolment

Enrolment for the “fide” language test is possible at any time, but must be done not later than 14 days before the exam. In the event that the candidate does not show up at the indicated time, although he or she has duly enrolled, the cancellation fee will not be reimbursed. Nevertheless, the candidate will have the opportunity to take the examination at a later date without having to pay the examination fee once again.

Registering for the exam is possible either by e-mail, or by appearing in person at our head office in Ascona, Via Muraccio 61a. After leaving their personal data, the examinees will be contacted at a later date.

  • Fees

The preliminary examination is free of charge and non-binding; the complete “fide” language proficiency exam costs CHF 270.- and includes both the registration fee of CHF 250.- and the cancellation fee of CHF 20.- The latter will be refunded to the candidate if he or she arrives punctually on the day of the exam and signs the receipt for the refund.

If only the oral part of the examination is to be taken (“SPEAKING” and “LISTENING”), the fee is CHF 170.- ; for the written part (“READING and WRITING”) it amounts to CHF 120.-.

  • Pre-examinations and exams of linguistic competence

Proof of language competency “fide” exams take place every month at our school. We advise students to take a free pre-examination allowing candidates to assess their language level before taking the real exam. In that way, the candidate may decide to take the “fide” exam on the first possible date, or to opt for additional language lessons in order to prepare for the exam. During the preliminary examination, the candidate will receive all the information necessary for undertaking the “fide” exam.

  • Information on the examination of linguistic competences

The candidate who has enrolled regularly for the examination of his/her linguistic competences will receive a comprehensive written notification (by e-mail or telephone) within a few days, containing all the relevant information: a confirmation of the exam date, the address of the examination centre, a timetable for the “SPEAKING” and the “LISTENING” tests, as well as for the “READING and WRITING” tests, also including a written reminder of the necessity to bring with them a personal identity card valid at the time of registration, such as a passport, an identity card, or a Swiss residence permit.

If you have any further questions about the exams, the “Language Passport fide”, or the dates on which the exams are held, as well as about enrolment, language school Glossa (lingue@glossa.ch) is at your full disposal by telephone (091 792 17 55) and e-mail (lingue@glossa.ch).



Starting from March 2019 Glossa has been officially recognized as a CELI examination centre in Ticino.

Exams calendar: https://www.unistrapg.it/it/certificati-di-conoscenza-della-lingua-italiana/calendario-esami-celi-e-dils-pg



Starting from 2015, Glossa has been officially recognized as a CILS examination centre in Ticino.

Exams calendar: https://cils.unistrasi.it/82/13/Le_date_degli_esami.htm




Since 2016, Glossa prepares students for all TELC exams.

Exams calendar: https://www.telc.net/







Cancellation of lessons must occur at least 24 hours prior to the lessons. With a 24-hour-advance notice a lesson can be cancelled and in so doing can be recuperated. If this deadline is not respected, the unattended lesson will have to be paid for. The cancellation of a lesson at the last minute will be assessed on a case by case basis.



The didactic material is selected based on the linguistic knowledge of the student and depending on his/her study method. The didactic material depends on the course. The cost varies starting from CHF 30.-.




The teaching method is deductive-inductive. It starts with a text, a sentence, and with an image to then get to the grammar rule. It doesn’t resort to word for word translations.



The school is open all year long including holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. The courses can begin at any time and depending on the student’s needs. The duration of the courses varies and depends on the aims to be achieved.


Glossa Sagl
Via Muraccio 61/a

6612 Ascona

Secretariat: +41 91 792 17 55
Prof. Dr. Dragana Kojic Maltecca (Director): +41 79 409 95 40
Yulai Danieli (Vice-director): +41 77 450 78 67
Fax: +41 91 792 15 46
E-Mail: lingue@glossa.ch






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